Dog Trap Creek

T8 Dog 1

At the end of John Cory Road is this sign. Many artefacts, like the one below, were found in the area viewed from the sign.

How to get there?

From the Visitors Centre continue south over Commonwealth Bridge. Take Capital Circle around Parliament House, turn left into Canberra Avenue for 4 km. Turn right onto the Monaro Highway. Turn right at the lights into Mugga Lane and first right into John Cory Road.

Why is this interesting?

This site is an ideal place to start the Tuggeranong Heritage Track as artefacts found nearby show early evidence of interaction between Aboriginal and European people. These artefacts were glass and ceramic in origin, but adapted by Aboriginal people to use as tools. Artefacts prior to European settlement were also discovered in this area.

Despite subsequent land clearing, erosion, grazing and ploughing by Europeans, archaeologists found 19 Aboriginal sites here. These sites represent a traditional way of life no longer practised in the ACT. The presence of artefact scatters demonstrates occupation of Aboriginal people in the past. Information gleaned from here adds to our knowledge of local Aboriginal stone technology.

This area was listed on the ACT Heritage Register in 2011.